Frequently Asked Questions- IGCSE &GCSE

  • Do you really guarantee improvement in IGCSE and GCSE English?
    Yes I do.
    IF the student follows the instructions in my 10 step Guide and completes the tasks and exam papers I assign. 

  • Can I get a cheaper rate?
    If you join a
    group class you can achieve a much cheaper rate.

  • How many lessons do we need?
    Obviously this depends. Firstly, contact me for an
    Informal Chat. From there, I can offer a Free Assessment of General English Strengths and Weaknesses. If you then wish to hire me, We will devise a Personalised Learning Plan for your Son or Daughter, with guaranteed improvement built in.

  • How much Homework do you assign?
    Hardly any. I am not a fan of homework in English because:

    It causes unnecessary stress for students and parents.

    The student almost always focuses on Doing/Finishing the Homework. Left unsupervised they tend to produce sub-standard work, repeating and embedding mistakes! I expect and insist upon Quality. Homework is anathema to this expectation.

    My approach is simple: Prevention is always better than cure! In class, I monitor their work as they are doing it and assess them on the fly. Homework prevents me from doing this and creates a huge amount of wasted time and (your) money forcing me to pour over preventable and repeated mistakes!

    Homework is normally only given for completing tasks where the student has clearly demonstrated competence in class.

  • So, you are not going to make them 'write a story' for homework?
    Absolutely not! the complexities of story writing, or any English skill for that matter, must be explicitly taught, learned and practiced under expert supervision. They may be asked to re-draft at home, but only if I feel they are competent.

  • Can you remove the guarantee?
    Yes. IF the student follows my reasonable instructions you can fully expect them to improve. However, if the student consistently ignores important instructions and admonishments, I will speak to parents and issue a warning. Three warnings and the guarantee is removed. My decision is final. This would only apply in extreme circumstances and, happily,  I have never needed to use this option. (or even come close!)

  • What are waitlists?
    There is a high demand for places, so if parents don't opt for 1 to 1 lessons, students are grouped together, by Mr Rich, according to their strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes there isn'tan appropriate group for your child, so I ask you to wait.

  • How long must we wait?
    No more than 14 calendar days from sign up. If a class does not become available, I will create a new one, if the timetable permits.